Why I’m Back in Military Reporting: Providing Real News to Real People

Folks, let’s face it: finding the truth in today’s military news is like panning for gold in a river of mud. Too many so-called reporters are busy sucking up to the brass instead of giving it to you straight. That’s why I’m strapping on my journalist boots and jumping back into the fray.

The Military Report is my way of cutting through the fog of clickbait and sensationalism. I’ve been in the thick of it – from Navy ships at sea, and Marines headed to the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan to the coverage of chaos in Kabul and the Ukraine.

Here, we don’t just spew words onto a page; we research, craft, and serve up military news on the side of truth. No jargon, just the real deal for real people.

Sure, we’re based in the U.S. of A., but we’ve got our eyes on NATO and allies worldwide. When our troops are out there making a difference, we’ll be here to tell their stories – in plain English, without the Pentagonese.

So if you’re sick of the smoke and mirrors, join me at The Military Report. I’m not promising you a bedtime story; I’m promising you the news you need, delivered with grit, integrity, and good old-fashioned reporting chops.


With unwavering dedication,
Isaac Cubillos
Editor-in-Chief, The Military Report
Dec. 31, 2023