In a strategic expansion of its naval presence, the U.S. has increased its fleet in the Mediterranean.

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Laboon and USS Delbert D. Black recently entered the Mediterranean, joining the USS Arleigh Burke and USS Bulkeley, which are part of the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group.

The USS Laboon, homeported in Norfolk, passed through the Strait of Gibraltar on Dec. 11, 2023. The USS Arleigh Burke, based in Rota, Spain, arrived in Souda Bay, Crete, on Dec. 10.

Meanwhile, the USS Delbert D. Black, recently back from an eight-month deployment and homeported in Mayport, entered the Mediterranean on Dec. 14. The USS The Sullivans, also homeported in Mayport, entered the Mediterranean on Dec. 17, after returning from a four-month deployment in February.

The USS Bulkeley made a port visit to Piraeus, Greece, on Dec. 8.

The recent deployment of U.S. destroyers to the Mediterranean is a response to escalating regional tensions, particularly in Gaza and the Red Sea. In Gaza, Israeli forces have been conducting operations, resulting in several casualties. Notably, Israeli attacks on Rafah and Khan Younis in southern Gaza led to at least 10 fatalities. The Israeli military has also been involved in raids, including on Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, which displaced 2,500 people and resulted in two patient deaths​.

Simultaneously, the Houthis in Yemen have intensified their maritime attacks. Their strategic position allows them to target ships passing through the critical Bab al-Mandeb strait, a vital passageway to the Red Sea and Suez Canal. On November 19, they seized an Israeli-linked cargo ship, Galaxy Leader, turning it into a tourist attraction. These attacks have significantly impacted global shipping, with at least 12 major companies suspending transit through the Red Sea. This has led to increased travel times and costs for rerouted shipping​.

The United States has responded to the Houthi attacks by imposing sanctions on alleged financiers of the group and forming a 10-nation coalition, including the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Seychelles, and Bahrain, to deter further attacks. However, Yemen’s government, operating from Aden, is in a complex position, balancing condemnation of the attacks with its stance towards Israel​.

Despite these efforts, the Houthis remain undeterred. They have declared their operations as support for the Palestinian people in Gaza, emphasizing their commitment to continue naval operations.

Several U.S. allies have committed naval forces to the Middle East as part of “Operation Prosperity Guardian,” a multinational security initiative designed to protect merchant ships in the Red Sea area from drones and missiles launched by Houthi rebels in Yemen. This operation falls under the Combined Maritime Forces, a multinational maritime partnership.

  1. United Kingdom: Britain has committed the Type 45 destroyer HMS Diamond, equipped with air defense weapons, to the task force. HMS Diamond has been in the region for over two weeks and has already been called into action to shoot down a Houthi drone​.
  2. Italy: Italy is contributing by sending the multimission frigate Virginio Fasan to the Red Sea. Italian Defence Minister Guido Crosetto emphasized the necessity of increasing presence in the area to ensure stabilization and prevent environmental disasters and economic repercussions​.
  3. France: The French multimission frigate Languedoc has been patrolling the Gulf of Aden and the southern area of the Red Sea since early December. The Languedoc has engaged in defensive actions, including shooting down drones coming from Yemen that posed threats to commercial vessels​.
  4. Norway: Norway is dispatching up to 10 staff officers to the Combined Maritime Forces, though it is not sending any vessels​.
  5. The Netherlands: The Netherlands plans to contribute two staff officers to the operation. Currently, they don’t have any vessels in the area, but the contribution of ships is under review​.
  6. Spain: Spain has yet to decide on its participation in the operation. Any involvement by Spain would be within the framework of NATO or the European Union​.