On the chilly fringes of Alaska’s airspace, a Russian Su-35 fighter decided to dance too close to Uncle Sam’s airspace, cutting in front of a U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter on a routine check-up of our not-so-friendly neighbors. This stunt on September 23 was more than just risky business—it was a flat-out dare, challenging the rules of the skies and putting everyone’s neck on the line.

This wasn’t your ordinary flyby. No, this was a “headbutt” maneuver, where the Russian jet zipped across the nose of our F-16 like it owned the sky. The folks at NORAD, who’ve seen a thing or two, called this move not only unprofessional but downright dangerous. Imagine, minding your business, keeping tabs on a Russian Tu-95 bomber cruising through international airspace when this hotshot in a Su-35 decides to throw safety out the cockpit!

General Gregory M. Guillot of NORAD wasn’t having any of it, blasting this move on social as the kind of behavior that wouldn’t pass muster in a real pro’s playbook. The F-16’s pilot, camera rolling the whole time, managed to dodge trouble, but let’s just say it was a close call that could’ve ended in headlines we’d all rather not read.

In the end, this high-flying showdown is a stark reminder that the cold war ain’t just a chapter in the history books—it’s alive and buzzing by, fast enough to make your head spin.