WASHINGTON — The humanitarian sea corridor to Gaza has reopened, allowing the delivery of essential supplies to civilians, according to Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder. The temporary pier, essential for these operations, was secured back in place last Friday, with aid distributions resuming the following day.

“Since reopening, we’ve managed to deliver approximately 1.1 million pounds of aid through the corridor,” Ryder explained in a press briefing. He also addressed false allegations circulating on social media about the facility’s misuse, clarifying, “The humanitarian pier was in no way involved in the recent Israeli Defense Force mission to rescue hostages. Any claims stating otherwise are unequivocally false.”

The facility, known as the Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS), is a crucial temporary setup on Gaza’s coast, primarily aimed at expediting the delivery of urgent humanitarian assistance. “Our sole purpose here is to facilitate the movement of life-saving aid to Gaza,” Ryder emphasized.

Furthermore, Ryder highlighted the role of an American C-130 aircraft that dropped over 10 metric tons of meals ready-to-eat into northern Gaza just this past Sunday, adding to the over 1,050 metric tons of aid delivered by air to date.

Aid from the sea corridor is initially received at a marshaling yard, where agencies like the U.S. Agency for International Development and the World Food Program take charge of its further distribution. “Security for the aid convoys continues to be a challenge, but we are committed to working closely with all stakeholders to ensure safe delivery,” Ryder stated.

However, the operations have faced challenges due to adverse weather conditions, which temporarily halted additional aid deliveries. “We expect to resume normal operations as the weather improves, possibly as soon as tomorrow,” Ryder added, underlining the ongoing commitment to support the logistical needs of humanitarian agencies on the ground.

Ryder concluded by stressing the broader goal of the operation, “This is fundamentally about ensuring that aid reaches the people of Gaza. We will continue to coordinate closely with all involved to address security concerns and facilitate the ongoing humanitarian efforts.”