Here are the news briefs about the U.S. military:

  1. Air Force Veteran’s Leak Case: An Air Force veteran has been accused of disclosing classified data on aircraft and weapons, representing the latest significant security breach involving military information.
  2. Recruitment Screening Issues: The Pentagon has found shortcomings in the recruitment process where not all steps were properly completed, potentially missing signs of extremist or criminal gang associations among applicants.
  3. US Navy’s Mine Countermeasures Readiness: The U.S. Navy has announced that its new systems for detecting and destroying sea mines are fully operational. These systems, including unmanned vehicles and helicopter-operated technologies, are deployed from Littoral Combat Ships and other specialized ships to clear mines from maritime areas.
  4. Extremist Allegations in the Military: A Pentagon report reveals concerns about extremist and gang activity within the ranks, with several cases substantiated and handled through various administrative actions.
  5. Tricare Concerns Over Drug Costs: There’s growing concern that the Tricare pharmacy contractor’s practices might be driving up costs for military families, prompting calls for scrutiny from lawmakers.
  6. Navajo Corporal Honored for Cultural Expression: The Marine Corps has authorized a Navajo corporal to wear traditional Native hair, recognizing and respecting his cultural heritage.

These briefs reflect significant concerns and developments related to security, cultural recognition, and operational challenges within the U.S. military.