WASHINGTON — The U.S. has launched Operation Prosperity Guardian, a multinational initiative to safeguard merchant ships in the Red Sea from drone and missile threats, primarily from Houthi rebels in Yemen. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced the operation, emphasizing its aim to ensure navigation freedom and bolster regional security.

Contributing nations include the United Kingdom, dispatching the HMS Diamond, a Type 45 destroyer, which recently downed a Houthi drone targeting a commercial vessel. France’s multimission frigate Languedoc has been patrolling the Red Sea, successfully engaging hostile drones from Yemen.

Norway and the Netherlands are contributing staff officers to the Combined Maritime Forces, though Norway is not deploying vessels and the Netherlands’ ship contribution is under review. Spain, said it will not join the new coalition but will align any involvement within NATO or EU frameworks. Italy is sending the frigate, Virginio Fasan, to support Italian owners’ ships. It will not join Operation Prosperity Guardian.