Remember those Kremlin kettles that waltzed into Havana like they owned the place? Well, guess what? They’re hightailing it back to Mother Russia already, with no visit to their pals in Venezuela.

Seems the Russians got a whiff of American steel and are now headed north through the Florida Straits past Key Largo. We’re talking at least three US destroyers, a Canadian frigate sniffing around, and rumors of a hunter-killer sub prowling the depths. Even the spook birds with missiles that can sink surface ships and submarines are circling overhead, keeping a beady eye on these Ruskie rustbuckets.

Whatever the reason, this whole thing stinks of a power play gone bust. The Ruskies tried to flex some muscle in our backyard, but the sight of American firepower seemed to have put a damper on their parade.

One thing’s for sure, this ain’t over. The Cold War may be a relic of the past, but these kind of games show the ice isn’t exactly melted between us and the Kremlin. Our Navy is staying vigilant, folks. Because next time these Russian bears come lumbering down south, they might not be so quick to turn tail and run.