Here are some of the key military news updates:

  1. Expanded Mental Health Care for Pregnant Troops and New Military Moms: A proposal from lawmakers aims to improve specialized mental health care for service members who are pregnant or have recently given birth. This initiative seeks to build on previous improvements in postpartum care within military treatment facilities.
  2. Controversy Over Navy Lt. Ridge Alkonis: Navy Lt. Ridge Alkonis, who was involved in a vehicle crash in Japan that resulted in two fatalities, is at the center of a controversy regarding his potential promotion. There is ongoing discussion about ensuring legal protections for U.S. service members serving abroad, similar to those they have domestically.
  3. Mali Cancels Peace Deal with Separatist Rebels: Mali’s military rulers have scrapped a 2015 peace deal with separatist rebels, citing failure by other signatories to uphold their commitments and alleging interference in Mali’s internal affairs by Algeria.
  4. Israel’s Military Campaign in Gaza: Israel’s military offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip is escalating, raising concerns about potential impacts on its peace treaty with neighboring Egypt. Israeli plans include widening the offensive to Gaza’s southern town of Rafah and taking control of the Philadelphi Corridor, a buffer zone along the border with Egypt, which is demilitarized under their peace accord.
  5. CIA Director’s Meeting in France for Gaza Hostage Talks: CIA Director William Burns is set to travel to France for talks involving officials from the U.S., Israel, Qatar, and Egypt, aiming to reach a halt in fighting in Gaza and secure the release of hostages.

These updates provide a snapshot of the current global military and geopolitical landscape, highlighting ongoing conflicts, diplomatic efforts, and legislative developments impacting military personnel and international relations.