Here are some of the top military news briefs from the past 24 hours:

  1. F-16 Fighter Jet Sale to Turkey and F-35s to Greece: The U.S. has approved the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey and F-35 aircraft to Greece. This follows Turkey’s agreement to Sweden’s entry into NATO.
  2. Philippine Troops Combat Militancy: In the Philippines, troops have killed nine suspected Muslim militants, including two individuals involved in a recent bombing during a Sunday mass.
  3. Yemeni Houthi Rebels’ Missile Attack: Yemen’s Houthi rebels have escalated tensions by firing a missile at a U.S. warship, marking a significant increase in the severity of conflicts in the Middle East.
  4. Guantanamo Panel’s Sentencing Recommendation: A panel at Guantanamo Bay has recommended 23-year sentences for two individuals in connection with the 2002 Bali attacks.
  5. White House’s New Guidelines for Cabinet Notifications: The White House has established new guidelines for cabinet notifications following a secret hospitalization of the Secretary of Defense.
  6. Pentagon’s Lack of UFO Tracking Policy: A watchdog report has indicated that the Pentagon does not have a policy for tracking UFO sightings.
  7. Wi-Fi for Navy Sailors: The Navy is rolling out a pilot program to provide Wi-Fi to 4,000 sailors at Norfolk and Portsmouth barracks.
  8. Fertility Treatment Access for Single Troops and Same-Sex Couples: The Pentagon is introducing a new policy to provide fertility treatment access to single troops and same-sex couples.

These briefs provide an overview of the latest developments in global military affairs and U.S. defense policies.