The Polish Army has received 29 M1A1 Abrams battle tanks from the United States at the port of Świnoujście in Western Pomerania. This is part of a significant deal signed in 2023 to enhance Poland’s defenses amid the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war.

The agreement, valued at $1.4 billion, also includes 79 Oshkosh mine-resistant ambush-protected all-terrain vehicles. The deliveries, which began in June last year, are expected to be completed by late 2024. This acquisition is a part of Poland’s efforts to increase its defense capabilities in response to regional security challenges.

Poland purchased 250 Abrams tanks from the U.S. The tanks were previously used by the U.S. Marine Corps.

In August, Poland, in collaboration with the United States, established the “Abrams Academy” to train Polish personnel on Abrams tanks.

Additionally, a new maintenance and service center for Abrams tanks is set to be established in Poznań, the site of the U.S. Army’s first permanent base on NATO’s eastern front. This facility will serve not only Poland but also the U.S. and other European operators of the Abrams tanks, including Romania, as reported by Defence24.