Here are the latest U.S. military news briefs:

  1. U.S. Strikes Houthi Targets in Yemen: The U.S. military conducted five self-defense strikes against Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen, including an attack on an unmanned underwater vessel. This operation marked the first observed use of such a vessel by the Houthis since the onset of attacks in the Red Sea region in October. The strikes also targeted three mobile anti-ship cruise missiles and an unmanned surface vessel, aiming to protect freedom of navigation and enhance security for U.S. Navy and merchant vessels in the area​​​​​.
  2. U.S. Military Engagement in the Red Sea: The U.S. military’s actions against the Houthi rebels include repelling attacks on commercial vessels passing through the Red Sea. The Iranian-backed rebel group has claimed responsibility for targeting ships linked to Israel, with recent months seeing a barrage of drone and anti-ship ballistic missile attacks disrupting a crucial international shipping corridor​​​.
  3. Denmark Gives All of Its Artillery to Ukraine: Speaking at the Munich Security Conference,  Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, appealed to other European nations to do more to help Ukraine in its fight against Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invading forces. The Kiel Institute for the World Economy reports that the military aid commitments of Denmark have surged by approximately $3.8 billion since November. This substantial increase positions it as one of the leading military donors relative to its GDP, according to the institute.